A Certificate of veterinary Inspection (CVI) issued after May 1, 2021 is required. equine infectious anemia (EIA) test results and date of test must be included in the CVI.
All animals must be free of infectious and contagious diseases and a statement of this is required on the CVI. Animals appearing unhealthy upon arrival may not enter the exhibition grounds. All equine animals must have tested negative for EIA by an official test within the 12 months prior to the opening date of the exhibition. A copy of the official test results must accompany each animal to its final destination. Foals less than 6 months of age accompanies by a dam which meets above requirements are exempt from EIA testing requirements. If the foal is not accompanied by the dam, a copy of the dam’s test results must accompany the foal to its final destination.
A current rabies vaccination administered by a licensed veterinarian is required for animals 3 months of age and older. All vaccine label directions must be followed, and all rabies vaccinated equine animals must be accompanied by a rabies vaccination certificate or the vaccination information must be included on the CVI. If a rabies vaccination certificate is provided, the certificate must contain legible name and contact information of the veterinarian who administered the vaccine and the veterinarian’s signature. A copy of the rabies vaccination certificate is acceptable.
Luzerne County Fair follows equine liability law sB618. The exhibitor assumes the risk of equine actions pursuant to Pennsylvania law.
A Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) issued after May 1, 2021 is required.
All animals must be free of infectious and contagious diseases and a statement of this is required on the CVI (the statement is pre-printed on the CVI).
Individual official animal identification is required. Official ID includes:
A current rabies vaccination administered by a licensed veterinarian is recommended for animals 3 months of age and older (market cattle are exempt from this vaccination requirement). All vaccine label directions must be followed, and all rabies vaccinated cattle must be accompanied by a rabies vaccination certificate or the vaccination information must be included on the CVI. If a rabies vaccination certificate is provided, the certificate must contain legible name and contact information of the veterinarian who administered the vaccine and the veterinarian’s signature. A copy of the rabies vaccination certificate is acceptable.
A Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) issued after May 1, 2021 is required.
All goats must have an official ear tag or legible breed registration tattoo that matches tattoo on registration papers.
All animals will be health checked upon arrival. No goat will be admitted to the Fair that shows clinical signs of contagious or infectious disease, including Caseous Lymphadenitis, Abscesses, Sore Mouth, Active Ringworm, Foot Rot, Warts, Lice, Mange or animals with an appearance that would make for a poor display.
Health Certificate - The official A AI-13 health certificate must be prepared by an accredited veterinarian and issued after May 1, 2019. For out of state herds, it must be issued within 30 days before the opening day of the Fair. A copy of the health certificate must accompany the goats to the Fair and be available for inspection at all times during
A Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) issued after May 1, 2021 is required.
Rabbits will be screened on arrival for health and show condition. No rabbits showing signs of contagious or infectious disease will be admitted to the Fair. Exhibitors shall sign a statement that the animal is free of known health disorders.
A Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) issued after
May 1, 2021.
All animals must be free of infectious and contagious diseases and a statement of this is required on the CVI.
All males must be neutered.
Individual animal ID is required.Official ID options include:
A Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) issued after
May 1, 2021.
All animals must be free of infectious and contagious diseases and a statement of this is required on the CVI (the statement is preprinted on the CVI). Animals appearing unhealthy upon arrival may not enter the exhibition grounds.
An Animal Owner or Caretaker’s Verification of Veterinarian Consultation Relationship form must accompany each animal, and must be presented upon arrival at the exhibition.
Individual official USDA scrapie animal identification is required.
Official scrapie ID includes:
A current rabies vaccination administered by a licensed veterinarian is recommended for animals 3 months of age and older (market sheep are exempt from this vaccination requirement). All vaccine label directions must be followed, and all rabies vaccinated sheep must be accompanied by a rabies vaccination certificate or the vaccination information must be included on the CVI. If a rabies vaccination certificate is provided, the certificate must contain legible name and contact information of the veterinarian who administered the vaccine and the veterinarian’s signature. A copy of the rabies vaccination certificate is acceptable.
No Out Of State Poultry Will Be Accepted.
All poultry entering must bear a unique individual identification official PDA-issued leg band (will be enforced after 6/1/2021). An owner-endorsed health certificate must accompany all Pennsylvania poultry and must include:
Name and location of exhibition
Name, address and telephone number of the owner
A statement that their entries and their flock of origin are free of evidence of contagious diseases
Owner signature and date of that signature
Verification of testing for Al and Pullorum
Avian Influenza Clean Testing and verification (all samples must be collected by a Certified Poultry Technician or an Accredited Veterinarian):
All poultry for exhibition must originate from a flock in good standing in the Pennsylvania Avian Influenza Monitored Flock
Program, or the NPIP U.S. AI Clean Program and must be accompanied by the most recent negative test report (copy acceptable). The NPIP or AI MF number must be noted on report;
The poultry must originate from a flock in which a minimum of thirty (30) birds, three (3) weeks of age or older, were tested negative for avian influenza within the 30 days prior to opening date of the exhibition and the birds must be accompanied by the negative test report. If there are fewer than 30 birds in the flock, test all birds.
Pullorum-Typhoid Clean Testing and verification (all samples must be collected by a Certified Poultry Technician or an Accredited Veterinarian):
All poultry must originate from a flock in good standing in the NPIP Pullorum-Typhoid Clean Program or from a flock in good standing in the PA Pullorum Equivalent Program and the birds must be accompanied by the most recent negative test report (copy acceptable). The NPIP number must be noted on the report for NPIP Pullorum-Typhoid Clean flocks. If bird-side testing was done, the 9-2 or state equivalent form must accompany the birds (copy acceptable).;
Individual birds for exhibition must have had a negative pollorum-typhoid test within the 30 days prior to the opening date of the exhibition. The birds must be accompanied by the negative test report (copy acceptable). The following age restrictions apply to comply with NPIP standards: a) chickens shall be tested at 4 months of age or older. b) Turkeys shall be tested at 12 weeks of age or older. c) Game birds shall be tested at 4 months of age or older, or upon sexual maturity, whichever comes first. d) Ratites shall be tested at 12 months of age or older. All birds not meeting these age restrictions are exempt from the pullorum testing requirements.
Verification of NPIP U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid Clean flock status or a current official test status form must accompany all poultry. The Fair Management will eliminate birds from competition that are not in suitable condition.
It is the responsibility of each exhibitor to care for animals in a manner that is responsible and ethical. Some guidelines for the treatment of animals exhibited at the fairgrounds are as follows:
Restraining animals: